Plan for Ongoing Improvement

Gloucester Public Schools Three-Year Plan for Ongoing Improvement

Our Mission

In the Gloucester Public Schools, we aim to be extraordinary because we can be, and because our children, the children of the great city of Gloucester, deserve it and should expect it from their schools. 

Our job is to help our students become their best selves, help them set their sights on goals and accomplishments they don’t yet know or can’t yet see. We see in our students the intelligence, the compassion, the drive, the success that is in them before they see it, and then help them recognize it for themselves. 

Our schools are improving every day, and we have our sights set on being extraordinary. 

The Gloucester Public Schools Three-Year Plan for Ongoing Improvement lays out our top priorities and the work we will do between now and 2025 to ensure all students experience a sense of belonging, are deeply engaged in learning, and are achieving at high levels.

We're working so every day matters and everybody belongs in the Gloucester Public Schools.

Here are the Four Priorites of Our Plan

Priority #1 - Deepen Student Belonging and Engagement in School

The Future State We are Working Towards

Priority Overview: 

Goal #1 - All Gloucester schools will deepen our students’ and families’ sense of belonging and connection in our school communities 

Goal #2 - The Gloucester Public Schools will reduce chronic absenteeism across all schools by supporting families early and often

Goal #3 - All Gloucester High students will explore a variety of pathways while in high school, will choose their first step after graduation, and be prepared for that next step.

Priority #2 - Strengthen Instruction and Better Connect General and Special Education

The Future State We Are Working Towards

All Gloucester Public Schools have an inclusive culture in which every student receives engaging, high quality instruction, supportive interventions, and enrichment every day. All students grow academically, socially and emotionally, and develop from dependent to independent learners.

Priority Overview: 

Goal #1 Strengthen Tier 1 Curriculum and Instruction to Deepen Learning for All Students

Goal #2 Strengthen inclusive practices through improved clarity on best practices, more effective professional development, and easier access to instructional resources 

Goal #3 Ensure all Students with Disabilities and all English Learners receive essential Tier 1 instruction every day 

Goal #4 Educate Families on How our Schools use Multiple Tiers of Instruction to Serve All Students

Priority #3 - Strengthen Social Emotional Learning and Mental Health Support

The Future State We Are Working Towards

In collaboration with families and community partners, the Gloucester Public Schools support the overall mental health and wellness of all of our students. We are committed to ensuring that every student learns the social emotional skills necessary to thrive in school and beyond.  

Priority Overview

Goal #1 Social Emotional Learning Skill Development - Develop and Implement a Multi-Tiered System of Instruction and Support for Social Emotional Learning and Mental Health 

Goal #2 Develop systematic mechanisms for early identification of students who require additional, targeted support

Goal #3  Continue Strengthening the Expertise and Skills of all School-based Clinical Staff

Goal #4 Provide Intensive Student Support by Leveraging Community Partnerships

Priority #4 - Strengthen Special Education Through Improved Coordination of Services and Specialized Instruction

The Future State We Are Working Towards

The Gloucester Public Schools use consistent, high quality systems and practices to guide the eligibility process, create individualized student-centered IEP’s, provide targeted and specialized instruction, and monitor for effective progress across programs and schools. 

Priority Overview

Goal #1 Strengthen our evaluation and eligibility processes 

The Gloucester Public Schools will develop consistent and high functioning practices for processing special education referrals, conducting evaluations and determining eligibility for Special Education Services. 

Goal #2 Strengthening Individualized Education Program (IEP) development

The Gloucester Public Schools will work collaboratively with families to ensure team meetings are student centered and Individualized Education Programs (IEP’s) are data driven.  IEP teams will ensure that students who are eligible for special education are consistently making effective progress and reaching their maximum potential in the Least Restrictive Environment. 

Goal #3 Strengthening our Specialized Instructional Practices & Consultation 

The Gloucester Public Schools will build our capacity to provide a range of highly effective instructional practices and a continuum of programs and services designed to meet the unique and individual needs of our identified students within their neighborhood schools and throughout the district.

.Complete Plan - Plan for Ongoing Improvement.pdf